SeeJayneKnitYarns is, as the name suggests, primarily a source to find hand-dyed and hand-spun yarn, but she also has a section of her shop devoted to vintage jewelry. This bracelet has been gathering complements all around town. Brass has been gaining in popularity for the past year or two, especially in it's not-so-shiny incarnations. I love this chunky little number!
Speaking of brass, I went shopping last summer at My Bellacosa and found this pretty seahorse. I've really enjoyed wearing him around my neck. He's definitely brass in one of its shinier incarnations, but he's very sweet.
I should mention that I had excellent customer service with each of these shops, and so feel confident recommending them. Also, all the pictures in this post belong to their respective shops.
Have you been shopping online lately? Have you discovered any new treasures, on Etsy or elsewhere? I'd love to see what you've found.
love the blog my dear! particularly the 'my favorite things' posting. i might be inspired to copy you...
Please do! I can't wait to see your favorite things!
I'm not able to see the photos -- not sure if the problem's at my end or yours -- but the descriptions of your goodies sounds interesting. Have to admit I still don't have a Paypal account and do very little online shopping. Nor am I sure I want to get started -- I'm bad enough with bricks-and-mortar . . .
Miss Ripley
You visited my website and now I am visiting yours and loving what I am seeing.
I am a nanna knitter as well.
Love from CASTLE downunder.
Materfamilias, thanks for letting me know! I just checked the PC ( I created the post using my Mac) and it appears there are some problems with this and my last post. This is the first time I've used photos from other sources, and I'll have to do some repair work. I'll try and correct it after work today.
Castle, thanks for stopping by, and your kind words! Hope to see you here again! Well, see you in the virtual sense...
Materfamilias, any luck with the pictures? I've changed them all out and used the pc to put them back in. Yikes.
I totally understand your reluctance to get absorbed by a new shopping venue. There are good deals and very unique items to be had if you change your mind...
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